No Cost Mechanic's Lien Assessment
As a public service, we are happy to provide up to one hour of consultation at no cost concerning Texas mechanic's liens or bond claims. For you to take advantage of this service, you should collect and compile the contract, notice letters, response letters, liens, bond, bond claims, and whatever other documents appear to be relevant. Please note that unless there is a written agreement detailing further services, there is no attorney-client relationship, and no obligation for anyone to do anything further concerning the matter. See the disclaimer below.
You can make an appointment by telephone: (214) 220-1210 x209, and visit our offices at 1909 Woodall Rodgers Freeway, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75201.
Or, you can dispatch an email to: Please note that email can be somewhat unreliable due to spam filters.
Or, if the matter is fairly simple, you can just call and ask for Brian W. Erikson at (214) 220-1210 x209, and perhaps resolve the matter with no meeting.
Disclaimer: Please note that the information that we provide is intended as a community service and is not intended to displace the legal judgment of your attorney.